January 11, 2023

How to Prepare for Your Initial Consultation with Your Divorce Attorney

Before anything else, it’s important to know how to prepare for your initial consultation with your divorce attorney. By knowing how to prepare and what to bring, you can dive seamlessly into the divorce process and expedite the next steps. Even in the event of an uncontested divorce, no one wants this process to drag out longer than it should. By presenting your divorce attorney with the proper paperwork and information from the onset, you can speed up your divorce proceedings and improve your chances of a favorable outcome.

In this blog, we discuss just what you should know before your initial consultation with your divorce lawyer, and what information to bring with you. When you’re prepared for your initial consultation, you’ll make the most out of this valuable time.

Peek Vazquez Family Law is your premier Colorado family law firm. As experienced and empathetic Denver divorce attorneys, we know what it takes to ensure that our clients meet their family goals. In addition to divorce cases, our office also specializes in many different family law practice areas, including alimony, adoption, child custody, and even common law marriages in Colorado. If you’re in need of a family law attorney you can trust, then give us a call at Peek Vasquez Family Law. 

How to Prepare for Your Initial Consultation with Your Divorce Attorney

Your first divorce consultation can be an unnerving experience. If you’ve never met with a divorce attorney before, it’s natural to be a bit hesitant, nervous, and unsure what’s expected of you from this meeting. After all, they’re the expert, right? But the first meeting with your divorce attorney is extremely important. Not only does it get the process in motion, but it also provides you with an opportunity to assess the competence, experience, and overall personality of your new divorce lawyer. Like any relationship, it’s important that you and your attorney are a good fit for this process to prove successful.

Here are some tips on how to prepare for this important first consultation:

  1. Bring a written summary: let’s start with the basics. Your divorce attorney is going to need some essential information before you can get the ball rolling. Present a written summary (an email should also suffice) including contact information, dates of birth, emails, and social security numbers for both you and your spouse. You should also include your employers, jobs, and annual income. If you have children, you should also provide similar information for each child. Include the dates of your marriage as well. As a general rule of thumb, the more information your lawyer has, the better.
  2. Identify key issues: every divorce is different, which is why you should spend some time identifying the important issues pertaining to your divorce. In most cases, this will include things like child support, child custody, assets, division of property, or alimony. It’s beneficial to outline these important issues so your divorce lawyer can begin to build your case.
  3. Identify your goals: aside from dissolving your marriage, what exactly are you hoping to get out of this divorce? Be clear and honest about your specific goals and your divorce attorney can help determine if they’re realistic and attainable. For some individuals, child custody will be the highest priority. If there are no children, the division of assets and what to do with the marital home may be most important. Clearly identify what it is you’re seeking in your divorce so your lawyer can assess the possibilities.
  4. Bring important documents: by gathering and presenting important documents, you can get a head start on your divorce proceeding. You may not immediately have access to all these documents, but it’s beneficial to your lawyer the more you can bring. For example, if your divorce will involve child support, it’s helpful to bring financial documents like pay stubs (for you and your spouses) W-2 statements, and the latest tax returns. If there will be a division of marital property, be sure to bring a list of assets and their current values. Additional documentation that could prove beneficial includes any court orders that have been filed such as custody agreements or prenuptial agreements. You can always call your family law office ahead of time to ask what type of documentation you should bring.
  5. A list of questions for your divorce attorney: Use this initial consultation as an opportunity to learn as much as you can about your divorce attorney. Write down a list of questions ahead of time to get the most out of this meeting. Don’t hesitate to ask anything and don’t feel like any of your questions are “dumb” or too obvious. Remember, they’re the legal expert here, and their job is to help you through every step of the divorce process—including this initial consultation.
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask about fees: it’s no secret that a divorce can be a costly affair. The fees and costs that go into a divorce are important for everyone involved, so don’t be afraid to be upfront when asking about divorce attorney fees, court fees, filing fees, and any other related costs. Remember that, especially for attorneys, time is money. Therefore, by being prepared for your initial consultation, you’ll be saving your attorney’s time, which can then save you on overall costs for your divorce.
  7. An observant eye: be sure to come with questions and documentation to your initial consultation, but also bring an observant eye. In many ways, this consultation serves as an audition between you and your divorce lawyer. Take note of how they communicate, how they treat you, and how they run their law firm. Be sure that your lawyer is a good fit for you before taking the process any further. Remember, you’re not stuck with the first attorney you hire during your divorce. You can always switch divorce attorneys in the middle of the process to find one better suited to your needs. 

Conclusion – How to Prepare for Your Initial Consultation with Your Divorce Attorney

When it comes to going through a divorce, remember that you’re not alone. Hire the right Denver divorce attorney for your legal needs to give yourself the best chance possible to achieve both your legal and family goals. Be sure to bring adequate information so that your divorce attorney can get started on your case. Bring a written summary of basic contact information, clearly identify your goals, gather relevant documents, and be sure to come with some questions for your divorce attorney. An open and honest relationship between the divorce attorney and client is essential for success in these matters.

Contact us today at Peek Vasquez Family Law to learn more about how we can help you through your Denver divorce. With our easy and simplified consultation process, years of experience, and a team of dedicated family law experts, we can set you on the right path toward achieving your family goals.