April 14, 2022

Why Should I Hire a Denver Divorce Attorney?

A divorce is one of the most challenging experiences a person can undergo. The legal complexities, financial decisions, delicate emotions, and in some cases, relationships between children and their parents mean you should never have to endure this process alone. That’s why most individuals going through a divorce choose to hire an experienced Denver divorce attorney. These specialized lawyers understand the legal complexities of a divorce and the amount of empathy needed during these difficult times. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look into the world of family law and reviewing the reasons why you should hire an experienced, compassionate divorce attorney. 

Peek Family Law is your premier Colorado family law firm. As trusted and experienced Denver divorce lawyers, we know what it takes to ensure our clients meet their family and legal goals. We specialize in various practice areas of family law, including divorce, adoption, alimony (maintenance), child custody, child support, common law marriages, and more. 

As seasoned litigators, we strive to leverage our experience and compassion to help our clients through these difficult times. Our goal is to resolve our family law cases as quickly as possible to reduce trauma to children and families. If you’re in need of compassionate, effective, and passionate legal representation, Peeks Family Law is here for you. 

What is Family Law?

Divorce cases are categorized under the larger legal umbrella known as family law. Family law refers to a practice area that focuses primarily on legal issues involved with family relationships. These specific relationships may include marriages, divorces, adoptions, child custody, and more. Family law lawyers represent clients in court proceedings and help them navigate the often complicated negotiations process. They also draft key legal documents, such as court petitions and property agreements, and will represent their clients in front of a judge during a trial. 

Some family law lawyers will focus on particular specialties. Some may specialize in adoption cases, emancipation, divorce, or other family-related issues. What’s unique about family law attorneys is that their cases deal so intimately with close bonds, especially those between children and their parents. This is why family law requires a unique level of empathy and compassion as these lawyers help families navigate these challenges. 

What Does a Divorce Attorney Do?

What exactly can a divorce attorney do for your case? Essentially, a divorce lawyer will handle all the legal aspects of your case from start to finish. They’ll gather important documents, file the necessary paperwork, and help you adhere to critical deadlines. Their role is to make the divorce process as efficient, timely, and pain-free as possible for their clients. 

While this type of outcome may not always be possible, they’ll utilize their experience and resources to help you meet your legal goals. Your Denver divorce lawyer will also handle any communications with other lawyers, including potential negotiations. Very few people are equipped with the legal knowledge or skills to successfully negotiate these matters. This is one battle you don’t want to face alone. 

Why Should I Hire a Denver Divorce Attorney?

During a divorce, taking the time to find the right divorce attorney might seem like the last thing you need. After all, isn’t it possible to handle a divorce without legal representation? In Colorado, you’re allowed to file for a divorce and complete the entire process without a Denver divorce lawyer. Yet, most legal experts would not recommend this option.

Let’s take a look at who you should hire a Denver divorce attorney:

1. Assess the specifics of your case and determine your legal options.

No two divorces are the exact same. Each divorce presents a unique situation and legal circumstances that need to be navigated. 

For example, a divorce case involving Denver child support will be inherently different than one where no children are involved. A divorce attorney will be able to assess your unique case to determine the best course of action. 

2. Help you set realistic goals.

The best outcome for most divorce cases is an even split between the two parties. A divorce attorney can help you set realistic, attainable goals so that you have a clearer vision of how this proceeding may conclude. They will also help you file the necessary divorce paperwork and make you aware of important deadlines that may affect the outcome of your case.

3. Pre-trial preparation.

If your divorce case goes to trial, there is quite a bit of pre-trial preparation that needs to be done if you hope to achieve a favorable outcome. Your divorce lawyer will assess the specifics of your case and conduct extensive legal research into how the law applies to your situation. They can also work with any potential witnesses you may call and prepare them for the trial. 

4. Represent you in court.

And finally, a divorce attorney will represent you in court in front of a judge if your divorce case goes to trial. In Colorado, all divorce and family law trials are heard by judges—not juries. It takes experience and a thorough understanding of legal information and proceedings to successful present an argument to a judge. While you can represent yourself in a court of law, very few individuals have the experience and knowledge to do so successfully. 

What Happens if I Don’t Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

In some cases, you may be able to successfully complete a divorce without the assistance of a divorce attorney. But this is a risk that most people are not willing to take. Why is that? Well, without the proper legal representation, there’s a chance that your interests will be overlooked and you’ll lose out on that favorable outcome you envisioned. 

If you choose to represent yourself in court, you may fail to meet certain procedural requirements that can hurt your case. From a legal perspective, divorces are complicated and require specific knowledge and experience to find yourself on the right side of the settlement. Hiring a divorce attorney increases your chances of receiving the outcome you desire. 

Conclusion – Why Should I Hire a Denver Divorce Attorney?

Going through a divorce is a challenging, stressful, and emotional experience. If it feels like you may lose everything, remember that you don’t have to go through this process alone. When you work with an experienced and compassionate Denver divorce law firm, you’ll have a team of experts on your side. We’ll help you assess your options, set realistic goals, understand the legal implications of your situation, and work to the best of our abilities to ensure that your goals are met. 

In most cases, there’s no “good” outcome following a divorce, but we work hard to ensure you receive the best possible outcome.  If you’re going through a divorce, don’t take on this burden alone. Hire an experienced and compassionate Denver divorce attorney to help guide you every step of the way. 
Contact us today at Peek Family Law to learn more about how we can help you and your family. With a free consultation, we can assess your legal options and set you on the path toward achieving your legal and family goals.